Link to ASERT (Statewide)


The Philadelphia Autism Project works closely with the ASERT Collaborative ( to bring together existing resources for families, providers and self-advocates. The Philadelphia Autism Project adds Philadelphia-specific resources to the ASERT website. Information that can be found on ASERT include:

  • A searchable database of resources
  • Data projects that inform program development and needs, including the Autism Census and Autism Needs
  • Assessment
  • Free CME credits and accessible trainings through e-learning courses
  • A calendar of events and trainings across PA
  • Stay updated on ASERT, by signing up for the newsletter here.



In an effort to increase the knowledge base and awareness of autism spectrum disorder, both the ASERT Collaborative and the Philadelphia Autism Project offer free tailored trainings to the community. Training areas include, but are not limited to: ASD 101, Medicaid-funded adult programs, navigating autism resources, the Pennsylvania Autism Census and the Pennsylvania Autism Needs Assessment. To request a training, please complete the training request form.


Justice System Trainings

A survey of justice system professionals revealed the depth and breadth of training needs in Philadelphia and across the state. The most requested training topics included how to communicate with individuals with autism, how to navigate challenging behaviors related to autism, and systems and services available to individuals with autism.

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