CBH has a continuum of care and a range of services for infants through age 21. This means that services can range from Assessment/Evaluation/Entry into the system (most used) to Social Skills Group/Outpatient Therapy/Medication Management/Blended Case Management, up to Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS) and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), and then to specialized ASD inpatient units/Residential Treatment Facilities (least used). Please visit this link to see a visual of this continuum.
Learn more about CBH IBHS Services and Procedures here.
Interpreter services are available. Deaf or Hard of hearing – call Pennsylvania Relay Operator at 711 to get help communicating with CBH.
Link to Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS)
Link to CBH Complaints, Grievances, and Fair Hearings
Call the Mental Health Delegate Line if you are seeking help for yourself, a family member, a friend, etc. (available 24-Hours a day, 7 days a week) to obtain the following services:
A map and contact information for crisis response centers can be found at: https://dbhids.org/addiction-services/assessments-centers-and-crisis-response-centers-in-philadelphia/
CRCs operate 24/7 and can do emergency evaluations to help determine the most appropriate level of care and services to provide linkages to these programs. https://dbhids.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/CRC-Flyer_011018.pdf
The following options are available to help a child and family access the support they
need during a behavioral health crisis:
DBHIDS’s EPIC: (Evidence Based Practice and Innovation Center at CBH) provides specialized Evidence Based therapy for a range of unique needs for children and families including Trauma Informed Therapy, Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT). Please refer to their website for a more comprehensive overview of therapies and the centers that provide this FREE service.
View WebsiteImmediate FREE consultative guidance for CLINICIANS in the Philadelphia region who have questions about behavioral treatment/medications/disposition/referrals for children (up to age 21) insured through Medicaid. Staffed by experts in the field 24 hours a day.
City-Wide for ANY CHILD needing URGENT Same-Day behavioral health evaluation: M-F 11-6. Closed holidays.
8220 Castor Ave Philadelphia PA 19152
If a child is experiencing emotions or behaviors that may cause a life-threatening injury to self or others, he/she may should go to the Philadelphia Children’s Crisis Response Center located at 3300 Henry Avenue, Falls Two Building, 3rd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19129; they can be reached at 215-878-2600.
Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Accessible to public transit and on-site parking is available.
This facility provides services if the child is experiencing emotions or behaviors that may cause a life-threatening injury to him/herself or others.
3300 Henry Avenue, Falls Two Building, 3rd Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19129
For assistance with a behavioral health emergency involving a child under the age of 18, contact the Philadelphia Crisis Line (formerly known as Acute Services) at 215-685-6440. This team is available to provide telephonic support and guidance on involuntary commitments, and should be contacted to request a Children’s Mobile Crisis Team (CMCT). For more information please view the CMCT FAQ document.
Provides resources and services in the areas of prevention, intervention, and behavioral health in order to support the social-emotional growth of students.
Provides crisis response and recovery to address individual and school-wide needs via direct support, coaching, and professional development.
Student Mental Health and Trauma Resources
440 N. Broad St. Philadelphia PA 19130
Help is available.
Ages 2 1⁄2-5 with significant social/emotional behavioral challenges, no Autism, MA only, transportation
1080 N. Delaware Ave, Philadelphia PA 19125
Preschool Family Intervention (PFI) is a therapeutic preschool for children ages 2.5 years to 5 years old with significant social/emotional and behavioral needs, no Autism, MA only, Transportation).
4900 Wyalusing Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131
Intervention based in applied behavior analysis (ABA) to children with autism and related disorders ages 3 to 5 years old. Intervention is delivered in a small group format and develops functional and social communication skills, play skills, and participation in classroom routines and activities. This program is available to children eligible for Medicaid reimbursed services. Transportation may be available.
245 S. 8th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107
Therapeutic preschool that focuses on children between the ages of 3-5 years old with significant social/emotional behavioral challenges. MA only, Transportation. (During COVID, services are offered remotely).
265 East Lehigh Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19125
View WebsiteView Map LocationTherapeutic programming available for children under 6 years old (C.O.R.E. Program). Child must have an ASD diagnosis. Service is covered by MA and parents can contact their specific insurance to see if the service is covered (there may be a copay). Transportation.
Two locations:
FREE program for parents to gain support and skills to manage behavioral challenges with their child with lifelong effects and the benefit of becoming part of a supportive community.
1080 North Delaware Avenue, Suite 600, Philadelphia, PA 19125
Mental Health Targeted Case Management/BCM (or “Blended Case Management”) for any children or adult with a mental health diagnosis needing supports to navigate systems and resources, attend appointments, or follow treatment recommendations from school or a behavioral health provider. Face to face support and systems navigation for a person or a family to obtain or coordinate services and resources on behalf of a person with a mental health diagnosis such as Autism, ADHD, etc.
A BCM can be a liaison between school and a home and can make Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS) services more effective by assisting with family engagement. This service is NOT part of IBHS and a person does NOT have to have insurance. BCM is usually set up within 2 weeks of a professional making the referral. Interpreters are available upon request. *Referrals are preferred to come directly from the professional with the family’s consent. Call 215-599-2150 for a referral.
Parent Child Interactive Therapy is for children ages 2 to 8 with behavior problems as well as children with interpersonal, attachment, attention and aggression issues. It is available for families at a variety of agencies (see the Evaluations for Behavior and Development section). This technique has proven to help many kids who were thought to need medication or who were diagnosed with ADHD but after their families fully participated in this program they were no longer diagnosed and did NOT need medication! Try it!
PCIT Brochure: http://dbhids.org/wp-content/uploads/1970/01/EPIC_PCIT-brochure.pdf
PCIT Providers in Philadelphia: https://dbhids.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/EPIC_PCIT-Provider-List.pdf
FREE virtual learning network for providers offering real-time access to Autism experts for practitioners who have medical, educational and behavioral concerns. ECHO Autism meets virtually for 90 minutes every first and third Thursdays from 11:30 A.M to 1:00 P.M. You’ll have a chance to discuss complex cases in your practice for real-time advice from experts.
Roberts Pediatric Research Building, 2716 South Street, 5th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19146
This ASERT developed resource is about Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Waivers in Pennsylvania. HCBS Waivers are a type of Medicaid program that provides long-term services and supports to groups of people who need support to live in their communities.
View WebsiteResources and programs for adults on the Spectrum, including the Adult Autism Waiver and more.
View WebsiteTo find out if you are eligible for intellectual disAbility services, call the Philadelphia IDS Registration Unit at 215-685-4677 to make an appointment with a registration specialist.
You can call IDS if you are not able to resolve issues with your supports coordinator or provider or if you have additional questions. On weekdays between 8:30am and 5pm, you can call 215-685-5900.
For emergencies that occur after hours and on weekends and holidays, you can call: 215-685-6440.
If you or a family member is not registered with IDS and you would like to do so, please call 215-685-4677.
IDS provides Supports Coordination for individuals diagnosed with an Intellectual Disability and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Those who qualify may be eligible for Waiver funding. It is strongly recommended to register your child as early as possible.
A common misconception about “Intellectual Disability Services” or the “Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbilities Services” is that they only serve individuals with intellectual disabilities. In reality, their Waiver program also includes autistic individuals, regardless of whether they have an intellectual disability.
Available Monday through Friday (8:30am-4pm)
The Special Needs Network serves children and youth with physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional needs from birth through age 21. A toll-free Special Kids Network helpline at 1-800-986-4550 and service coordination.